A rarity not only in Featherston, but throughout the Wairarapa. A relatively voluminous (693m2) commercial building with similarly large yard areas, on a high profile corner site that is passed by all traffic between Wellington and Martinborough. It is also just 20 metres from the corner of Daniell Street and State Highway 2.
It is presented in terrific order, reflecting the vendor’s pride of present ownership. It presents a purchaser with multiple options, by virtue of the large 105m2 retail showroom and offices that could be occupied quite independently of the industrial portion. The zoning is Commercial, permitting a wide range of activities. If continuity of a similar business appeals, all existing chattels as seen in the photographs may be purchased.
15 Daniell Street is being sold by way of Deadline Private Treaty, closing at 12.00 noon on Friday, February 28th 2025.